Capturing Sun Dust©
Ray Waugh, Jr.
Today I noticed a young man …
coat hung on the street sign …
shoes beside his bare feet …
books his pillow and
like the butterfly in the early morning
stretching its wings to capture the "Sun Dust".
Was he was taking a moment
to reflect on the this day's adventures …
stopping by the street curb to ponder the days ahead …
stretched out in the brown-dry grass
perhaps thanking the Lord for the moment …
maybe even “cramming” for a test …
I do not know what he was thinking. I am only supposing … I mentioned the butterfly with out stretched wings to him. Then passed on to my class allowing him his moment of "warming in the sun" on a "surprise spring day" in the latter days of Winter 1985.
The Apostle Peter gained rather significant insight on a roof at noon one day.
We all need to take moments to stop and take moment to . . .
"Be still and know that I am God."
Through all the shaking ground, breaking rocks, wind, and noise . . .
"Hear the still small Voice."