Radio Broadcast
Patriotism, Faith, Bible
San Antonio, Texas
November 10, 1946
Ray Waugh, Sr.
Station not known


Journey in Writing
Ray Waugh, Sr.

Station Announcement

Good morning friends. Has the week been on of trial and trouble; have more things going wrong than right? Then perhaps you have lacked sufficient inspiration to exercise the way God would have had you go. We should never lose heart-nor give up in the face of trial for we have a wonderful Savior who went all the way for us that we might have a purpose in and an inspiration in living.


Theme...Sing to that Glorious Word...then hum during announcement...

Remembering the Faith of Our Fathers we greet you this beautiful, peaceful morning. As tomorrow is the day on which we commemorate the close of another of the struggles that were supposed to rid the world of war, we bring you quotations from the messages of two of our greatest Presidents. Washington and Lincoln each confessed their faith in and their dependence upon Almighty God. They, gave much, planned zealously and hoped for a great country wherein there would be peace.

...Finish the singing...

Washington said, "The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states, of worshipping Almighty God agreeably to their consciences, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their right. While men perform their social duties faithfully, they do all that society can with propriety demand or expect; and remain responsible only to their Maker for the religion or modes of faith which the' may Prefer or profess."

"America" (all)


God built Him a continent of glory and filled it with treasures untold;

He carpeted it With soft-rolling prairies and columned it With thundering mountains;

He studded it With sweet-flowing fountains and traced it With long winding streams;

He planted it with deep-shadowed-forests, and filled them with song.


Then He called unto a thousand peoples and summoned the bravest among them,

They came from the ends of the earth, each bearing a gift and a hope.

The glow of adventure was in their eyes, and in their hearts the glory of hope.


And out of the bounty of earth and the labor of men,

Out of t he longing of hearts and the prayer of souls

Out of the memory of ages and the hopes of the world,

God fashioned a nation in love, blessed it filth a purpose sublime and called it AMERICA!


"America The Beautiful" (1, 2)

Lincoln, in speaking of the Bible said, "In regard to this great Book, I have only to sad it is the best gift Which Got has over given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this Book. But for this Book He could not know right from Wrong. All things desirable to man are contained in it."

"Battle Hymn of the Republic" (1, 2, 4)

The words of Grant should be remembered and heeded even today, where he says, "Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts on your heart, and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book We are indebted for all the progress of civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future."

Eleanor's Solo...


In our land there is great hope, though the shadows of chaos may heavy be,

And the way so dark that only the strong dare grope w

Because none have eyes that can truly see.


But we in Christ have a light for the dark,

A guide for the stony path.

He's able to save and mighty to keep, All who will be his through faith.


And though the works of men and- may wax and wain

Our Lard shall n'er vanquished be.

He's victor now o'er death and the Grave

And He'll be King of Kings and Lord of Lords for all eternity.


"All Hail The Power of Jesus Name" (1, 2, 3)

WE commend to you this morning this Son of God who completed the work of Sacrifice on Calvary's Cross where He paid the debt for all of our sins. As we read in Romans 5:9 "Christ died for us, much more therefore, being now justified by His Blood we shall be saved from wrath through Him." Will you put your complete faith and trust in Him and say, My Faith Looks up To thee, thou Lamb of Calvary?

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