Raymond Arthur Waugh, Sr.
A Journey in Writing
Journey in Writing
Ray Waugh, Sr.
Recent Additions
Addition November 12, 2000
Alphabetical Listing
H = Hymn
LD = Large document
LTE = Letter to Editor
P = Poem
Radio = Radio Broadcast
- Biblical Call For Patriotism
- Bright Side, The
- Caught Up For God's Glory
- Children Tried as Adults LTE
- Christian-bashing LTE
- Church Grow, What Make a - 10/31/90
- Debtor to First Grade Teacher and Others LTE
- Education & Einstein LTE
- Eternity P
- From the Hills...To Hell...Then to
Heaven LD
- God (Trinity) P
- Gods
Peace Can Be Ours P
- He Is Risen
- Heart of Texas Hymn Brady, Texas
1972 H
- Hope for Our Nation LTE
- Injustice Anywhere Threatens Justice
- Living by/in Faith Radio
- Norman Vincent Peale LTE
- Not Dead Nor Sleeping LD
- Patriotism, Faith, Bible Radio Quotes from Washington, Lincoln, & Grant
- Philosophy of God LD
- Reconciliation Between God and Man
- Jesus Savior P
- Jesus Walked
Among Men
- Look Up May I P
- May I P
- My Jesus P
- Only Then P
- Plow In Hope P
- Sunset and Sunrise P
- Take Heart P
- Tall, Tall City P
- Theme of All Scripture
- Tom Landry-Hollywood Henderson's Role
Model LTE
- Tour of First United Methodist Church
Midland, Texas
- Tract For a Pack
- True Freedom
- What Makes Churches Grow
- Why All Church-Age, Endtime Prophets
Are False (Summary)
- Why All
End-Time Church Age Prophets are False (Full Version) <not quite Internet
ready November 12, 2000>
- Wonderful Savior
Letters to the Editor
Song and Hymns
Topical Listing
- Individuals
- Heaven/Resurrection
- Politics
- Prophesy
- Translations
Father is gone. I am publishing some of his writings on the
web for you to read. I did not always agree with him. Nor, did he always agree with me.
One valuable thing that my mother and father taught me was the desire to think for myself
and make my own mind up. You may make copies of his writing. PLEASE GIVE HIM CREDIT and
contact me if you use his material.

Notification of Additions/Updates to Ray Waugh, Sr.
Last update
24 April 2007
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