Quick Help
- Collapsible Outlines K (click to open/hide outline)
- K Click the bullet for more information.
- Require a browser that uses DHTML
- If your browser does not support this feature the
outline will display completely expanded.
- Clicking on the outline will expand and close the outline.
- This is a K
in some browsers
- Internet Semester K
Since the student may begin the Internet Semester at any time, a few "unique"
standards are necessary.
- The Student will have up to 16 weeks to complete the course:
15 Weeks of Lessons and 1 "semester break"
- The student may take the Semester Break at any time during
the course or at the college's normal time. The only requirement is for the student to
inform the instructor BEFORE HAND.
- The student is expected to communicate in some form with the
instructor every week.
- "Official College Grade Report" K
- If the student registers for the class at the college's
normal registration time, the grades will be send in the normal college cycle.
- If the student registers, for example, in the middle of the
college's normal semester, the "Official Grade Report" may not be mailed until
the next semester's normal college cycle.
- The instructor will inform the student the date of the first
internet week. From then on assignment are due according to the Grade Calculator
- Footnoting Electronic Resources K
- Navigation Icons K
Quick Help>Where you are...General Help page
using collapsible outlines
Opens a "new" copy of the New Testament Table of
Contents. You select your weekly lesson from this screen.
Opens a "new" copy of the Old Testament Table of
Contents. You select your weekly lesson from this screen.
Opens a completely new session of the browser with a new
Bible Class 3 Panel Screen
Opens a "new" copy of the Central Desk, the main start
screen for all the Bible classes
- Printing Screens or Panels K
When you print a page you are able to print
- The screen as you are viewing it
- The information in one panel
- Each panel separately.
- Screen Size and Viewing K
- Minimum program
requirements to utilize this Web Site K
- Browser that supports
- Collapsible outlines
- The larger your screen the better
- Real Player for a limited number of multi-media pages
Updated Saturday, February 26, 2000 13:26
Created Sunday, January 23, 2000