Overview Week 09
Primitive Jewish Christianity
From Metzger's text you will learn that the Christians and Jews existed together for a time tolerating one another, not mutual beliefs and/or practices.
As the believers spread the Good News persecution followed. Fox's
Book of Martyrs is a well known book relating the stories of individuals who
were persecuted for their faith in Christ. Some find Foxes work in suspect. However,
I am including a reading from the book in order to open your understanding of history Read
from Chapter two the First and Second Primitive persecutions in Fox's Book of Martyrs.
This week you will see that the early church was confronted by a variety of negative and positive situations. In facing these situations, the need to understand the essential truth was critical.
Immediately after Pentecost there was no written record of the life of Christ as we have now in the Bible. The events from the Life of Christ and His teachings were passed on by those who were with Christ. Only after time passed were the words and life's events of Christ recorded in a written record.
As the church spread in the Mediterranean world, the congregations and individuals were sent letters of instruction, advise, thanksgiving and request. God inspired some of these writers of the life of Christ and the letters to individuals and church which are recognized today as God-breathed Writings.
Other than the Outline and Summary of the Text this weeks assignments are very subjective. I am looking for your opinion. Please back up your statements with facts.
Last Updated 24 February 2000
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