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Point of lecture is that God is not hidden nor only transcendent. Several passages point this out: Psalm 91, 139, Romans 1. God's intention is not to hide. Even in Genesis 3:9 after Adam and Eve sinned God looked for them, "Where are you?"

With this premise in mind we can see God revealing in several areas. From Romans 1-3 we glean the following areas where God has revealed His character and self.


Do not confuse "unapproachable limit" with the common understanding of transcendence.

From my life's experience, study, and the Word, I believe that the student has a vast world the discover. The end or limit of study is never to be found.

As man's knowledge of the creation increases, a previously unknown and unexpected frontier is discovered beyond the threshold of the known. As soon as the new unknown is examined and becomes known, a new and unexpected frontier is discovered. If man has ears to hear and eyes to see, he will know more and more of God. (Romans 1:20-21)

We will use an illustration: Take, literally or with your imagination, a GRAPEFRUIT.

Assume this is the first grapefruit you or anyone has ever seen. The early childhood questions "WHY?" and "IS THERE MORE?" compels us to examine the grapefruit.

The grapefruit
round, has a peculiar smell, seems to be soft, cannot see inside
WHY? Is there more...
so we open the grapefruit not knowing what will be found
The Slices
rather symmetrical, wedged shaped, some white strings attached to them, are able to see something inside.
WHY? Is there more...
so we open the grapefruit wedges and find
The "Little" Juice Sacks
bunch of them, different sizes,
WHY? Is there more...
so we open the grapefruit "little juice sacks and find
water (H20) 2 hydrogen and one oxygen atom making up water. Now is this not interesting? The some Greeks believed that the atoms were held together with hooks. More "modern" (1800s and early 1900s) minds thought that the atom COULD not be divided.
WHY? Is there more...
so we open the grapefruit molecules and find
as we examine the atoms which seem to be mostly emptiness we ask
WHY? Is there more...
so we develop more sophisticated tools and procedures
Electrons, and nucleus --

WHY? Is there more? This process goes on...and on...and on....neutrons, protons, mesons, super colliders...I believe that there will always be more to discover and to learn as we push into new thresholds

MY CONCLUSION is that the "unapproachable limit" demonstrates a quality of God as demonstrated in His handiwork. Just as the special Thanksgiving turkey dinner demonstrates the handiwork of the person who prepared the meal. The meal is not the person who did the preparation. The creation IS NOT God. The creation declares God characteristics: power, god-head, wisdom.

  Last Updated 24 February, 2000


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