Biblical Interpretation [0311]
The most important task of anyone who studies the Bible is to discover the true meaning of a passage. Several principles of interpretation will enable you to be more accurate in your interpretation.
God is a revealing God and has determined to communicate through a written media.
As you interpret a passage keep the following in mind:
Historical context - What was happening in the passage.
Scripture interrupters Scripture - Allow the scripture to define terms or ideas.
Imagine two pyramids. One sitting on the base and the other sitting on the cap stone. Which pyramid is the most stable? Which one will stand up with out props?
When you find a difficult passage, there are two choices. 1) you can focus many Bible passages on the difficult passage or 2) you can interpret the majority of the passages through the difficult passage.
Often the easy way out is to take the one and "color" all the others. However, the interpreter who desires to know what God says will take the time to read all the related references, and discover how the word is used in other context.
Example Acts 2:38.
Passage appears to indicate that baptism is essential for salvation. The interpreter has the choice to looks at the majority of other passages and view this passage through them or view the majority of passages through this passage.
- Read Genesis 15:6
- Read Romans 3, 4, 5. Paul waits until chapter 6 to even mention baptism.
- If we interpret the Romans passage through Acts 2:38, them Romans 3:22 would read, "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto al and upon all that believe and are baptized: for there is no difference."
- Ephesians 2:8-9 would read, "For by grace are you saved through faith and baptism..."
Know your preconceived notions - We all have these. As you look at a passage attempt to view it with an open mind.
Know your cultural "interpretations" -
Truth is not always quickly found. Give yourself some time to work out your understanding of biblical truth.
Authority/Authorities - My belief is that an interpreter has authority only to the degree which they are true to the text. Ordination and schooling do not guarantee accurate interpretation.
Whole picture and detail of picture
Poetry - Hebrew poetry shaped by thought & sense patterns
Found in sermons, songs, complaints, predictions
Synonymous - two lines say the same thing
Psalm 3:1
Antithetical - state opposite
Proverbs 19:4
Reflective of nature
Elements of Bible Study
The Father loved enough to
Make a world
Reveal himself in creation
Romans 3, Psalm 19
Reveal himself in the Written Word
Send His Son
The son
Lived the word
Bible study is centered on Christ
All else lifts up and shows (reveals) Christ.
The Holy Spirit
Brings convicting
Provides the strength because he applies the work of Christ.
Is the mover, wind .... dust
The Word
Isaiah 53
Hebrews 4:12
The people
Pulpit dynamics
The Goers
Mobile phone no long distance charge illustration of caring "cultural land-line" interpretations with you.
Last Updated 24 February, 2000
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