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A terms used to describe/define the order of God decrees in relation to the save and/or permit the fall of man.
Decree to save some and condemn others
Decree to create both the elect and the reprobate
Decree to permit the fall of both classes
Decree to provide salvation for the elect.
Decree to create human beings
Decree to permit the fall
Decree to save some and condemn others
Decree to provide salvation for the elect only
Sublapsarinianism (unlimited atonement with limited application)
Decree to create human beings
Decree to permit the fall
Decree to provide salvation sufficient for all.
Decree to choose some to receive salvation
[Erickson, 914ff]
Law - system of rules and regulations.
Pentatuch, Code of Hammurabi
Levitical Cities
Cities and a small portion of land assigned to the tribe of Levi by Joshua when the Promised Land was divided among the Twelve Tribes. See Cities of Refuge
Lord's Supper
The observance of Christ's instructions in Luke 22 and 1 Corinthians 11. The elements include unleavened bread and "fruit of the vine."
Note Depending upon the interpreter's position the meaning of these elements can range from   symbolic to the actual body and blood of Christ.

Close Communion: Tthe practice of observing the Lord's Supper by ONLY members to a specific local church.

Open Communion: The practice of allowing believers outside a specific church to observe the Lord's Supper.
See Septuagent


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