Sunset and Sunrise
Raymond A. Waugh, Sr.

Sunset, we exult, is the hour of rest;
Little birds seek before darkness their fragile nests.
Lads who for adventure set out to roam;
In the twilight hours turn wayward feet toward home.
But we, amidst earth’s recurring sunset splendors,
Seek not a tenuous place to moor
Our fragile temples of mere clay;
In the waning sunlight hours, we just simply pray.
After the sunset comes the twilight --
After the twilight comes the night.
Though darkness try to hold its mortal prey,
He who won at Calvary still holds sway.
Thus, the sunset hour brings rest and peace;
The twilight does our confidence increase;
For we know that as we span the night,
Through faith we can bask in God’s eternal Light!
O glorious dawning, we can forever intone,
When our triumph over darkness shall be won;
Unending, then, our praise for Christ shall be,
As in the sunrise of tomorrow we rejoice eternally!
Copyright by David R. Waugh & Ray Waugh, Jr.