©Ray Waugh, Jr.

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planted a willow tree.

LONG AGO the neighborhood gang

played and swung in the willow tree.

Remember, those hours spent in your favorite

tree house? We called ours a tree fort.

Oh, you never swung from a tree

and dreamed of far away places?

I wonder how good those days

really were?

Well, I remember blisters, skinned knees,

mosquitoes, and "I've got to go eat."

Time seemed to be forgotten during

those days before . . .


Before there was NOW!


Ever trim an old willow tree

twelve years after you built your

"tree fort" in it?

Your saw finds long forgotten (gutter) nails.

Our PRESENT is like the saw . . .
Our PRESENT is like sawing . . .

Suddenly, brought to

a momentary standstill,

We ponder and remember a

memory long hidden yet ALIVE.


Remember, to thank the Lord when He

reminds you of moments and people


Pray for that person, or if they are gone,

pray for the testimony they left behind.

Last updated Thursday, February 24, 2000

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