Index/Table of Contents
Old Testament
and New Testament
Credits and Copyright
I. The original documents are known as "autographs."
A. These came circulated independently.
B. A variety of writing materials were used.
1. Stones and clay tablets
2. Scrolls or rolled manuscripts
a. Papyrus -"paper" made from reeds
b. Animal skins
(1) Vellum-calves' skin
(2) Parchment - sheepskin
II. Several objective and subjective considerations were part of the process of canonization (determining the documents which comprise the sacred text).
A. Could the message be attributed to someone living before 400 B.C.?
B. Did the document receive widespread acceptance and circulation?
C. Was it written in Hebrew?
D. Does it convey an authoritative message?
III. There are two major theories about canon formation.
A. The Three-Stage Theory
1. The Law or Books of Moses first came to be viewed as Scripture.
2. The Jewish classification of the prophets, including former prophets or books from Joshua to Kings and latter prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Twelve), was next viewed as authoritative.
3. Finally, the writings (including a variety of material) were added to the Canon.
B. The Two-Stage Theory
1. The Law or Books of Moses were first acknowledged as Scripture (Same as in Three-Stage Theory).
2. Everything else in the Old Testament fell under the classification of prophets. The New Testament writers referred to the Old Testament as "the law and the prophets" (Luke 16:16; Acts 26:22).
IV. Although it is impossible to determine exactly when each document first came to be viewed as inspired, there are reference events to be observed in the process of Canonization.
A. Josiah's reform.
B. Tradition concerning Ezra and Nehemiah.
C. Council of Jamnia.
D. Works listed by Melito.
V. There are three main theories of inspiration.
A. Natural Inspiration.
B. Mechanical Dictation.
C. Divine inspiration through human personalities.
Credits and Copyright This online text book is provided by the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, 333 N. Washington Dallas, Texas 75246-1798 214.828.5100 Use the text to meet your academic needs. If you copy any part of this online text, please give credit to the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Any donations which you give will be used in the Division of Student Ministry Summer Missions Programs.
Credits and Copyright This online text book is provided by the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, 333 N. Washington Dallas, Texas 75246-1798 214.828.5100 Use the text to meet your academic needs. If you copy any part of this online text, please give credit to the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Any donations which you give will be used in the Division of Student Ministry Summer Missions Programs.