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Old Testament and New Testament  
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ABRAHAM - (GENESIS 11:27-25:11)

Students will be able to

1. identify the events surrounding the call and journeys of Abraham.

2. explain the significance of the covenant between God and Abraham.


Content of Lecture

VII. The Account (Toledoth) of Terah (Gen. 11:27-25:11) (Continued from previous lecture)

A. Abram: the early years (Gen. 11:27-11:32)

Abram's father, Terah migrated from Ur of the Chaldeans to Haran along with his extended family. Ur was located on the Euphrates in modern-day southern Iraq and was one of the major cities of its time. The people worshipped the moon god in Ur as they did in Haran. Terah was involved in this type of worship of other gods according to Joshua 24:2. (DQ#1)

Abram, Abraham's given name, meant "high (exalted) father ."

Abram's family settled in Haran and Terah died there.

B. God's Call To Abram (Gen. 12:1-13:18)

1. God tells Abram to leave Haran and go to the land He will show him. (v.1)

2. God's promise to Abram (v.2-3)

3. Four promises were contained in the call of Abram:

(1) A great nation, fulfilled in the Hebrew people

(2) A great name, fulfilled in that Hebrews, Christians and Muslims all call him their religious father

(3) A land, fulfilled in the possession of Canaan by the Hebrews

(4) "A blessing to all nations"(DQ#2)

C. Abram obeys God and sets out for Canaan. (Gen. 12:4-12:9)

God promises this land to his children.

D. Abram's deception in Egypt (Gen. 12:10-12:20)

E. Abram and Lot Divide land (Gen. 13:1-13:18)

Lot settles in the Jordan River Valley while Abram settles west in the land of Canaan.

F. Lot Rescued (Gen. 14:1-14:24)

After Kedorlaomer (or Chedorlaomer) and his men defeated the forces of Sodom and Gomorrah, they took Lot. Upon hearing of this, Abram took men who routed Kedorlaomer and rescued Lot and all the possessions which had been taken.

Upon his return, Abram gave a tenth of the goods to Melchizedek, king and priest of Salem (Jerusalem) . (TN#3) It was customary to give the king a tenth of what was received. (TN#4)

The king of Sodom offered the rest to Abram, but he refused.

G. God's Call and Covenant Renewed (Gen. 15:1-15:21)

God promised Abram a son and promised him descendants as numerous as the stars. Abram's response: Faith which was credited to him as righteousness.

God told Abram in a dream that his descendants would be enslaved in a foreign land but would return in four generations. A generation was the time it took from birth to fatherhood. In Abram's case that would be 100 years. Therefore, God was saying to Abram that his descendants would return to Canaan in 400 years. God would give the Canaanites that long to repent before their sin "reached its full measure."

H. Ishmael Born (Gen. 16:1-16:16)

Sarah offers her maidservant Hagar to bear a child to Abram, indicating a lack of patience in God's plan.

Ishmael is born when Abram is 86.

I. Abrahamic Covenant of Circumcision (Gen. 17:1-18:15)

Abram is 99, 24 years after his first call. The original covenant is now about to be put into operation. Abram ("exalted father") was given a new name by God, Abraham ("father of many"). Sarah laughed when she heard God say she would bear a child. As a result, God told them to name their child, Isaac, which means laughter.

1. Circumcision Initiated (TN#5)

a. Sign of one in covenant relationship

b. Performed on the 8th day of life

2. Two Major Areas of Promise

a. Promise of the Seed- Four Possible Fulfillment's:

1) Isaac

2) Nation of Israel

3) Jesus Christ

4) Every person who comes to faith in God through Jesus.

b. Promise of the land

1) Old Testament - Physical territory of Canaan

2) New Testament - Heaven

J. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18:1-19:38)

K. Abraham and Abimelech (Gen. 20:1-20:18; 21:22-21:34)

L. Isaac Born; Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away (Gen. 21:1-21:21)

God promises Ishmael his descendants will be a great nation.

M. Abraham's Test With Isaac (Gen. 22:1-22:24)

Reveals the character and faith that had developed in Abraham over the years. (DQ#6)

N. Sarah Dies and is Buried (Gen. 23:1-23:20)

Abraham bought the cave of Machpelah near Hebron.

This became the burial place of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Leah. (TN#7)

0. Isaac and Rebekah (Gen. 24:1-24:67)

Abraham insisted that Isaac not marry a Canaanite woman but one of his own people. (TN#8)

P. Death of Abraham (Gen. 25:1-25:11)(DQ#9)

Died at the age of 175. Buried with Sarah at the cave of Machpelah.


Read the account of the lives of Isaac and Jacob in Genesis 25:19-37:1. How would you describe these two men? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Jacob (Israel)? what are the key events in Jacob's life?

Discussion Question:

#1 Why would God choose Abram - a man who probably worshipped a moon god - to be the father of His nation?

#2 How do the New Testament writers see this promise fulfilled? (Note Gal. 3:16) (The Heart of Hebrew History, 87)

#6 In what ways did the events of Abraham's life demonstrate great faith? a lack of faith?

#9 What religious groups today trace their lineage either physically or spiritually to Abraham?


Teacher's Notes:

Background of Patriarchal Period

1. Dating

The events described in this period have been dated at various times by different scholars, but most of the events of this period probably took place between 2100 B.C. and 1600 B.C. (Middle Bronze Age).

2. Lifestyle

a. Civilization was relatively advanced at this time.

b. A moral deficiency was present

c. Patriarchal system of government was employed by many nomadic groups:

(1) High position of authority held by father or head of the tribe.

(2) His authority extended to all areas of life. His authority was final.

(3) Chief military and religious leader.

#3 "In ancient times, particularly in non-Israelite circles, kingly and priestly duties were often performed by the same individual. 'Melchizedek' means 'My king is righteousness' or 'king of righteousness"' (Note Hebrews 7:1-28).

#4 "Melchizedek is later spoken of as a type or prefiguration of Jesus, our 'great high priest' (Heb. 4:14), whose priesthood is therefore 'in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron' (Heb. 7:11; see Ps. 110:4)." (from the NIV Study Bible, 27)

#5. Many see circumcision as analogous to baptism today, being an outward symbol to show a personal relationship to God.

#7 Today, this cave is buried under the Mosque of Abraham in Hebron according to Jewish and Moslem tradition.

#8 The story of the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah gives readers a glimpse of the ancient oriental custom of arranged marriages.


Credits and Copyright This online text book is provided by the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, 333 N. Washington Dallas, Texas 75246-1798 214.828.5100 Use the text to meet your academic needs. If you copy any part of this online text, please give credit to the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Any donations which you give will be used in the Division of Student Ministry Summer Missions Programs.

Credits and Copyright This online text book is provided by the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, 333 N. Washington Dallas, Texas 75246-1798 214.828.5100 Use the text to meet your academic needs. If you copy any part of this online text, please give credit to the Division of Student Ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Any donations which you give will be used in the Division of Student Ministry Summer Missions Programs.